Coaching and Mentoring

Garioch Road Runners have an accredited Coaching Team supporting everyone. They provide planned and varied training sessions every week for runners to maintain and improve fitness, speed and endurance.

Sessions focus on different aspects of running - short, medium, long repetitions and hill repetitions - on a variety of surfaces. Each session is tailored so all runners can participate, irrespective of their ability, with individual support provided where required by coaches.

The Team is made up of the following:

Carol Wilson - Head Coach

Carol is a "back of pack" runner.  Speed is not important, but enjoyment is.  There's nothing like getting out in nature and feeling the freedom that running can give you.

Gordon Orr - UKA Coach in Run Fitness

Gordon focuses on trail and road 5km and 10kms, and loves seeing others develop their running. 

Jonny Fleetham - Jog Leader 

Jodie Gill - Jog Leader

Jodie got into running 8 years ago and has never looked back.  Enjoying the longer distances as well as a parkrun, Jodie is all about a long, slow plod over a speedy 5km.  "Everyone should get into running.  It does wonders for your confidence".

Bryan Mills - Jog Leader

Bryan prefers tarmac to trails!  His favourite distances for races are 5km and Half Marathons.

Charlotte Cottam - Jog Leader

Charlotte prefers running with company as loves the social aspect of running.  She is happy doing a 5km but loves long runs too.

Phil Owens -  UKA Event Group, Coach in Running Fitness, Coaching Assistant

Phil loves all things running from sprints to ultra and track & field athletics. Motivated as a coach to assist others develop, progress and reach their running goals.

Fiona Kennedy - UKA Coaching Assistant, Jog Leader

Fiona loves running on trails and is regularly found exploring paths on Bennachie. Enjoys running all distances from 5k through to Ultra Marathons.  

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